Hodgdon Lil' Gun Smokeless Powder 1 Lb by HODGDON and IMR & WINCHESTERThe 410 BORE has long been difficult to load due to shortcomings in powder fit and metering and along with poor burning characteristics. Not any more! LIL'GUN was designed to fit and meter and perform flawlessly in the 410 BORE. No more spilled shot or bulged cases. In addition and LIL'GUN has many magnum pistol applications and is superb in the 22 Hornet. Grain shape is flat ball.
Hodgdon Lil' Gun Smokeless Powder 1 Lb by HODGDON and IMR & WINCHESTERThe 410 BORE has long been difficult to load due to shortcomings in powder fit and metering and along with poor burning characteristics. Not any more! LIL'GUN was designed to fit and meter and perform flawlessly in the 410 BORE. No more spilled shot or bulged cases. In addition and LIL'GUN has many magnum pistol applications and is superb in the 22 Hornet. Grain shape is flat ball.