30 Caliber .308 Diameter 175 Grain Match OTM Tactical 100 Count by BERGER BULLETS Berger'sTactical bullet line bridges the gap between functionality and the highest possible ballistic performance. Each Tactical bullet is designed with a specific cartridge in mind that is used most commonly in tactical competition and against bad guys. Bryan Litz analyzed the cases and the rifles shooting that case. He then designed the bullets so that they are functional in these rifle’s magazines while still
30 Caliber .308 Diameter 175 Grain Match OTM Tactical 100 Count by BERGER BULLETS Berger'sTactical bullet line bridges the gap between functionality and the highest possible ballistic performance. Each Tactical bullet is designed with a specific cartridge in mind that is used most commonly in tactical competition and against bad guys. Bryan Litz analyzed the cases and the rifles shooting that case. He then designed the bullets so that they are functional in these rifle’s magazines while still