Lecia CRF Rangemaster 2700-B
The Leica Rangemaster CRF 2700-B is lightweight and compact and guarantees with 7x magnification optimum brightness and clarity and a broad field of view.|1.22|6|4|3.5|Equivalent horizontal range (EHR) up to a distance of 1100 meters/1200 yards.|The holdover value, or the number of clicks to set on the riflescope.|Integrated inclinometer and air pressure and temperature sensor.|Integrated microSD memory card slot for a choice of three different ballistic applications and an output of the results in the format relevant to their needs.|Fast scan mode that records the environment and targets every 0.5 seconds|||F|N/A
Munufacturer: Leica
Model: 40545
SKU: SI_4019238
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