KRISS Magazine EX2 Kit for Glock 17 9MM 40 Round
The KRISS Mag-Ex Kit 2 is the ultimate capacity extending base plate for your factory standard for Glock magazines. The KRISS Mag-Ex Kit 2 is made up of the extended baseplate outer sleeve and extended spring constructed of durable and lightweight reinforced composites. Combining the Mag-Ex Kit 2 with the factory standard for Glock magazine body and follower is a perfect match of reliable feeding toughness and aesthetics for the KRISS Vector. The Mag-Ex Kit 2 is available in 9mm and 10mm and designed for standard capacity G17 and G20 magazines for an overall capacity of 40 rounds of 9mm and 33 rounds of 10mm for your KRISS Vector for Glock handgun and your for Glock magazine-compatible pistol caliber carbine.
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